
Team work is the key to any successful business. While we all know that team building exercises are always needed and used, those trust falls are just not cutting it any more. (Besides, Fred dropped you last time.) Allow us to help you improve your critical thinking, cultivate those teamwork skills, and prove who's truly ready for a leadership role.

Contact us today to find out how we can accommodate your group.

Family & Friends

Tired of the same old movie trips and family game nights? Want something new and exciting with a bit of challenge thrown in? Our escape room could be just what you're looking for. Take a little mystery, throw in a few puzzles, try your hand at code-cracking, a hint of brain teasers, and you have a new style of adventure to give you and your group a much needed change.

Special Events

Everybody wants a fun-filled party and or event. You also want great memories to last for a lifetime. Join us at our escape room to enjoy different riddles and brain teasers in a friendly environment for everyone.  Be it a birthday party, family reunion, or field trip; our rooms can be completed if you're willing to put the brain power in.